A Transformer is turning on its side. Moby looks at its side and decides that maybe Moby will take its side as well!

Today I have mostly been playing with Transformer, an easy online interface for the 345M OpenAI neural network. The network uses a predictive text model with 345 million parameters to generate plausible endings to any sentences that you give it. I made some lists on Twitter, starting with Borges' Taxonomy of Animals (follow the link … Continue reading A Transformer is turning on its side. Moby looks at its side and decides that maybe Moby will take its side as well!

Top words

In an example of 'embarrassing lack of imagination', I'm going to post the top words that my phone believes I want to type when presented with a given letter. Maybe this could be a new meme, if people are really that bored. NB I use my phone to blog, Twitter and send work emails, as … Continue reading Top words