Twitter won’t kill the general feed, cos that’d kill Twitter

Long-time Twitter users, myself included, value it mostly for the general feed (everyone you follow, live and in chronological order) and the ability to replicate the general feed model for specific lists you've made of people you follow and for specific search terms and hashtags. At the same time, Twitter is a confusing experience for … Continue reading Twitter won’t kill the general feed, cos that’d kill Twitter

Blogging is dead and no-one cares?

My riot policing piece yesterday attracted 600 unique visitors in 24 hours. That isn't exactly Perez Hilton, but is about six times my current normal run rate (I think the biggest this blog has ever been is about 1000 daily visitors, for some of the global financial crisis articles). The fact that the piece had … Continue reading Blogging is dead and no-one cares?

15% of people inexplicably weird

Rather depressingly: Fifty-six per cent of the public agree that “the greatest victims of discrimination in Britain these days are often ordinary white men” Now, this is obviously false, and anyone who believes it is either deluded, moronic or both. If you're a selfish white male, however, it's at least rational to express the belief … Continue reading 15% of people inexplicably weird