How to rebuild your credit rating

I wrote this as a response to someone on B3ta, but realised it might be useful for a wider audience: First, get your debts cancelled, written off, paid, or otherwise disposed of. The Citizens Advice Bureau will explain this best. Don't pay anyone anything for advice - it won't be any better than the CAB's … Continue reading How to rebuild your credit rating

How dare you provide me with goods and services

B3ta's Question of the Week is on banks and banking. Oddly enough, the consensus is 'against'. However, someone called 'Star Wars' has a rather nice post going against said consensus, which distills most (not all) complaints that people make about retail banks and penalty charges: I opened a bank account once in the full and … Continue reading How dare you provide me with goods and services

Rewriting history, recession edition

Says Railway Eye, a cynical and Tory-leaning transport blog: There is certain information that voters and taxpayers might reasonably expect a Government department to know. Or at least have a reasonable stab at. Such as just how risky NatEx's very aggressive bid for the East Coast franchise was; bearing in mind that the previous operator … Continue reading Rewriting history, recession edition

Tax proposal

A lot of moaning about corporation tax in leftie-blogland today, for no particularly discernible reason. How about this as a 'no big corporation tax dodging' principle to adopt at G8: * All countries adopt the current UK system of charging the parent company tax at the national rate for its home country, with all tax … Continue reading Tax proposal

Yes, it’s fucking political

Frank Dobson spoke nothing but truth last month: ‘Be warned,’ he said, ‘the Lib Dems and the Tories have not abandoned party politics.’ There was, he alleged, a three-part strategy. When they had disposed of the Speaker, they would demand Gordon’s resignation. If they got that, they would demand an immediate general election on the … Continue reading Yes, it’s fucking political