- Child abuse claims "petty gossip"? Sorry, Catholics, but the Pope is a massive eejit: http://bit.ly/aZ6MxH #
- I've always liked Mark Webber; I now like him even more: http://bit.ly/ckeT3G #
- #ebz I'm supposed to go shopping this afternoon. Hmm. http://fallenlondon.com/c/42876 #
- Excellent piece from @jackofkent on the Catholic Church: http://bit.ly/9o8tgz – I wonder, could they be declared a criminal organisation? #
- A white horse walks into a bar. Barman: "We've got a drink named after you" Horse: "What, Dave?" #antijokeday #
- Thirtysomething-happifying-fact: Debbie Harry was 35 when she recorded Atomic. And EXTREMELY hot: http://bit.ly/IP4FY #
- The Damon Albarn/Ray Davies Waterloo Sunset duet isn't on YouTube. Damn you, YouTube. #
- File under "what if UKIP wins the election?": RT @pressgazette What will the Guardian do if Murdoch’s paywall succeeds? http://bit.ly/c4ZA2A #
- When I get a job, I won't just be hanging around on #ebz all day http://fallenlondon.com/c/43477 #
- As an Anglican-sympathising non-believer, I wholeheartedly endorse this suggestion: http://bit.ly/b5pnpE (comment #14, if the link fails) #
- Working. Had forgotten how frustrating it was not to have access to Factiva, market data providers, etc. Garr. #
- Best <alt> text ever: http://xkcd.com/721/ #
- Damon Albarn and Ray Davies live on the White Room (via @ChrissieM and @Unity_MoT) – hurrah! http://bit.ly/8XKrXW #
- Boris stands up to NIMBYs and BANANAs, approves 4,000 new homes in W London: http://tinyurl.com/ye5mnv7 – more please (via @BorisWatch) #
- While The Inquirer has its heart in the right place, it's a shoddy rag – lede is completely false: http://bit.ly/dtQLDa (via @steffing) #
- RT @chickyog What, are these Tories like 6 or something? Wah! The nasty people didn't clap for George! Wah! http://bit.ly/cEBMtz #
- Yes, it's another #ebz tweet while we await Thai delivery… http://fallenlondon.com/c/43967 #
- Good news: as long as companies make Windows unusable, most security flaws can be avoided: http://bit.ly/bdyAKK #yourjobjustgotevenworse #
- …although reading the case write-up, it sounds like a CPS fail rather than a magistrate fail. Unsurprisingly. #
- RT @goddessfleur Beautiful crystal clear Sydney day the bridge is looking fantastic ! http://twitpic.com/1c9740 <- walking over it later :) #
- My http://www.votematch.org.uk scores are no great surprise – Lib Dems 63%; Labour 57%; Tory 55%; Green 52%; UKIP 46%; BNP 27% #
- "Obama is not a brown-skinned, anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus." – John Fugelsang #
- Arguments over healthcare research priorities seldom have laugh-out-loud funny punchlines. This is an exception: http://bit.ly/dzC1Rx #
- If Spiked Online were replaced with a page saying "Brendan O'Neill and his mates are arseholes", its overall impact would remain the same #
- Grauniad April Fool: funny http://bit.ly/aPEGFB Personnel Today April Fool: not http://bit.ly/9mn916 #
- "emotional ordeal of fighting to protect hard work invested in an idea" – this is why I loathe designery types: http://bit.ly/c0uFZk #
- If anything outside of your family life and your love life is an "emotional ordeal", U R DOING IT RONG. #
- Via @felixsalmon, today's "inappropriate cross-branding award" goes to http://www.mwcimporterforhellokittywine.com #
- Dear Rupert Murdoch: well, feckin' DUH: http://bit.ly/b8Hpx5 #willbesadtoseetheTimesdisappear #
- "Prison Island's Pirate King is incensed at remarks about his nation of convicts" http://bit.ly/9OiToM #shouldbeoffended #amn't #
- Civil Service makes sensible contingency plans: bit.ly/bNqEUa – mad Tory prats equate them to Mugabe: http://bit.ly/c9vvrI #
- Court of Appeal "time to give Eady J a bottle of whisky and a revolver, and let him do the decent thing" http://bit.ly/9jWkTy #
- BBC shills for the Tories: http://bit.ly/9HEOmD – this is the sort of bollox you'd expect from the Telegraph (via @manipillai) #
- Government in "government's charitable donations overseas must come out of overseas aid budget" shock – oooh, the evils: http://u.nu/9ih28 #
- Dammit, the one good thing about Presbyterians is that they're supposed to hate the Catholic church: http://tinyurl.com/ybctfy2 #
- BEST URL EVER: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1262988/PETER-OBORNE-Armed-guns-machetes-chanting-Kill-Kill-Kill.html #
- I love Poland: http://www.epha.org/a/3942 #
- Q: how can you tell if something's a terrible idea A: if it's backed by Peter Hain and Prince Charles http://bit.ly/bdHslj (via @mjrobbins) #
- #ebz Mr Veils deals with clothing and fabric, and takes a close interest in the silk-weavers of Spite…. http://fallenlondon.com/c/45423 #
- Exciting new conspiracy theory: the British and Scottish establishment is one giant paedo ring http://bit.ly/bDEnzP #timeforyourmedication #
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