- #ebz The Stolen River that flows into the Unterzee – the one they used to call the Thames – passes thr… http://fallenlondon.com/c/98148 #
- I wonder how many of the people fulminating about Laws are aware that if he'd come out and claimed for sharing with partner, he'd've been… #
- …entitled to *more* money than he actually got. In other words, if you think the incident involves nicking taxpayer money, you're a tool. #
- Good piece from @caronmlindsay on David Laws' resignation: http://ht.ly/1RXwu #
- Meanwhile, Danny Alexander is getting shit for not only not doing anything morally wrong, but not even breaking any rules…! #
- In Hell Freezing Over news, Iain Dale is right about something http://bit.ly/90Ht6N (via @mattwardman) #
- Today's Word Of The Day is 'knoblolly': http://www.google.com.au/search?q=knoblolly (via @echobazaar) #
- This piece from @flying_rodent is scarygood: http://tinyurl.com/33ntmrd #
- The #mining #supertax advert is annoying. If Rio Tinto and BHP's shares are hit because $ paid to govt, the losers will be in London not AU #
- (for non-AU readers: the govt wants to impose mining royalties, which would be a Good Thing; mining MNCs pulling out all the PR stops…) #
- Via @daveraybould this is interesting, if not necessarily accurate – the IDF's version of the #freedomflotilla raids: http://alturl.com/6tyn #
- SABMiller in "desperate World Cup cash-in press release" shock: http://bit.ly/ayPjlZ #theyvebeenplanningitfor6yearsFFS #
- It'd be annoying to be @Martin_Carr. When I go out with former workmates I'm still friends with, nobody says "PWC REUNION ON THE CARDS?" #
- Land-of-the-free-tastic fact of the day: it's illegal for an American to boycott Israel http://bit.ly/bXhGYq (via @sunny_hundal) #
- We've now got @flying_rodent's excellent Israel's Biggest Enemy Is Itself piece republished on LibCon: http://bit.ly/coEqmA #
- Fact of the day: the #freedomflotilla was originally going to be called the French Flotilla, but Americans objected. #
- WW3 FTW! RT @LeonJaeger Turkey says more ships will be sent to Gaza, escorted by its Navy: http://bit.ly/92mpYm #flotilla #
- Aaagh, I knew I shouldn't've read Mad Mel's take on #flotilla before bed. THE STUPID, IT BURNS… http://bit.ly/aRWfwL (via @CathElliott) #
- Excellent piece on the parallels between Israel and North Korea: http://bit.ly/b5QKvQ #flotilla #
- 9 News cameraman provokes "angry Muslim" footage by racially abusing member of the public: http://bit.ly/cBYOuJ #mediafail via @sunny_hundal #
- Israel/North Korea update: rightblogger Mr Eugenides's defence of Israel is "Ah, but NK is worse". Srsly: http://bit.ly/bxCK8Z #flotilla #
- I'm being followed by @LunaParkSydney. I find the concept of being followed by a funfair a bit disturbing. #
- Aagh, #ebz have erased 2 days' progress due to a server disaster. SAME AGAIN! http://fallenlondon.com/c/96236 #
- Ooops – Chinese World Cup promotional campaign is not made of win: http://bit.ly/9gQHiM #
- Gonna be about 45 mins late to meet @chrissiem. Oops. And it's entirely my fault, *and* I know she doesn't have a working phone. Am bad man. #
- Salon.com having a mobile edition is good. But redirecting mobile users who click regular article links to the mobile homepage is STUPID. #
- Forgiven for lateness. Hurrah! Now home and #ebz-ing, of course. http://fallenlondon.com/c/97628 #
- Dear Nokia: if I've got someone's mobile and home numbers stored in my phone, *which one do you bloody think* I want to send an SMS to? #
- Number of mass gun rampages under Thatcher, Major & Cameron: 1 each. Number under Blair & Brown: 0 #justsaying #
- I wonder if all the people blaming BP for the Gulf spill are going to sell their cars and ride bikes, or if they're just hypocrites? #
- (I'm assuming here the spill is an inherent risk of deep-sea extraction rather than illegal behaviour by BP based on available evidence) #
- If you oppose deep-sea extraction, that's just fine – as long as you're clear that the oil *will* run out rather soon without it. #
- Damn, the bloke drinking an espresso on the Citi (AUS) "in my world" advert looks like a smug prat. Note to self: do not be in his world… #
- We are stronger than Guido: http://bit.ly/b7tbd8 (yay). MENSA, Miller, Mailer, Plath and Pinter were sadly left out of the methodology. #
- #ebz meh. http://fallenlondon.com/c/99058 #
- Re London's mayor, I've been deliberately avoiding saying intemperate things like 'fuck Boris' up to now. Fuck Boris: http://bit.ly/bqXKB4 #
- Yes. Awesome: RT @howespaul: A fantastic and very funny ad on the Resources Super Profits Tax – pass it on http://youtu.be/H4PcQfz0MfU #
- I was distressed by the news that the # of temporary AUS visas was going to be cut by 50% – until I realised they meant visa *classes*! #
- Daily Mail "are you posh" test: http://bit.ly/bYw51X – surely q11-13 are just "not being ignorant", though? (via @sarabedford) #
- Pleased to discover that the Palace Hotel in Coogee is c.50x better than the Coogee Bay Hotel. #escalatorwin #
- Can someone send me an email explaining what the fuck FourSquare does/is for? #confused #
- This will be fun. Looking forward to the fireworks -> RT @libcon Peter Tatchell to present Pope documentary http://bit.ly/9TTi3J #
- YES! This: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2791 #
- Saturday night in with #ebz – oh yeah, I rock. http://fallenlondon.com/c/101611 #
- BEST THING EVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5qtoecVIo0 #
- Worst article in ages: http://www.forward.com/articles/4184 – summary: "if you don't like Israel murdering people, you're an antisemite" #
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