On third-columnists, deliberate or otherwise

I’m a Keynesian who believes in fiscal expansion in tough times, and I'm a market-favouring leftie who believes in progressive taxation (whilst trying to minimise disincentives to work at all levels). However, I’m embarrassed by Richard Murphy of TaxResearch.org.uk, and the way in which the press tend to print his daft views as a serious … Continue reading On third-columnists, deliberate or otherwise

What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-06-13

A bit of #ebz? Yes, a bit of #ebz. It'll be sunny tomorrow, perhaps I'll leave the house. http://fallenlondon.com/c/103864 # Hehe. This is possibly the most excellent thing Gordon Brown ever did: http://bit.ly/cwBq6P # I can't quite believe a) how expensive Camper shoes are, b) thatI bought some anyway. They're bloody nice though. # Enjoyed … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-06-13

Sorry about this

I really want to steal the bust of Aneurin Bevan, the inventor of the NHS and all-round excellent Welshman, that's currently installed in the the House of Commons. Partly that's because I think it'd make an excellent decoration for my house. But it's also partly because I could lift it high in the air and … Continue reading Sorry about this

Why do browser cookies expire?

So, if I log into Gmail, Twitter, eBay, or my own blog on a computer, and opt to have my user information saved, then obviously I'll want to log in using that information whenever I use those sites, for as long as I use the site and the computer is my computer. If it stops … Continue reading Why do browser cookies expire?

When Good Contrarianism Goes Bad

So, I come up with a contrarian view on the BP issue that I don't 100% hold, but which is a genuine aspect of the story and which has been completely neglected in any of the coverage I've seen. I mention it on Twitter, I spend a couple of days thinking about it, and then … Continue reading When Good Contrarianism Goes Bad

On helping Americans to steal your pension

Let's assume that, like most UK workers, you have a pension fund with a substantial part of its investment in FTSE companies, usually weighted by value. What should you care more about: 1) the fact that the US government is attempting to steal a sizeable proportion of your money? 2) some fucking cormorants? Clue: if … Continue reading On helping Americans to steal your pension

Jealous petulant snipery and the Labour leadership

There seems to be a fair amount of grumpiness and sarcasm going on around the Labour party leadership election. Much of this is for sensible reasons (broadly "the only one of the candidates who isn't a dull clone has no experience of managing anything ever, and David Miliband is a war criminal"). However, there's also … Continue reading Jealous petulant snipery and the Labour leadership

What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-06-06

#ebz The Stolen River that flows into the Unterzee - the one they used to call the Thames - passes thr... http://fallenlondon.com/c/98148 # I wonder how many of the people fulminating about Laws are aware that if he'd come out and claimed for sharing with partner, he'd've been... # ...entitled to *more* money than he … Continue reading What I’ve been up to, week ending 2010-06-06